
An emancipated, empowered community engaged in sustainable livelihoods accessing human, social and economic rights.


Our mission is to work with vulnerable communities and key populates to assist/facilitate with education and health service delivery, alleviate hunger and poverty through livelihood diversification, value chain system and market linkages


To encourage and facilitate for equal participation for men, women, youth and children in sustainable and resilient development programs; with the purpose of poverty reduction, fulfilment of basic needs, empowerment and a right to live with justice


Every child has the right to an education. Beneficiaries will be identified from across all provinces of the country initially focusing on the peri – urban areas around Bulawayo and then expend into Matabeleland North and South. The key focus areas will be to provide primary school education for our target communities especially the girl child, children living with limited abilities, aids orphans not under any institution and children living with their grandparents who are failing to care of them. The goal being to increase literacy levels in developing countries. In the long run ALAD desires to be a key player in providing and facilitating access to scholarships for further education to brilliant students. For students that are academically incapable, ALAD seeks to partner with donors by engaging government through Social Welfare, Ministry of women’s affairs and the ministry of youth to run vocational training centres to empower youth and women through various skills development programs and market linkages.

ALAD Foundation seeks to facilitate access to healthcare facilities for women and children and any other vulnerable persons in society through partnerships by providing mobile clinics and subsidizing the cost of medication for vulnerable communities. ALAD also seeks to increase awareness on mental health and provide access for men to seek mental wellness.

Men and mental health. The World Health Organization views mental health as: ‘a state of well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community’ (WHO, 2001). However, little is known about the extent to which African men share or subscribe to this understanding of mental health. In 2016, the last year global data is available from the World Health Organization (WHO), there were an estimated 793,000 suicide deaths worldwide. Most were men. Men often find themselves in conditions and situations that are considered as risk factors for mental illness. These are: exclusion from school and further education; social deprivation as a result of unemployment; prevalence of crime and drug cultures; and overrepresentation of men in prison populations (White, 2006).

Since Independence from the colonial rule in 1980, the government of Zimbabwe has tried to improve access to health. However, because of the limited resources, structural adjustment programs that were introduced in the 90’s and economic sanctions, some communities still walk long distances from 10kms and above to access the nearest clinic of which most rural clinics are unequipped. Women and children are the most affected in this scenario as they may not be able to walk such long distances.

a) Food security (access, utilisation, preservation) is the backbone of targeted communities. ALAD Foundation will seek to work with government and other stakeholders and partners to strengthen community livelihoods. This will include and not limited to income generating projects such as irrigation schemes and village savings and lending associations.
b) ALAD Foundation seeks to introduce special projects focusing on the welfare of a child by providing supplementary feed at schools to improve nutrition however that will depend on specific funding for the feeding programme and dedicated volunteers to sustain the project.
c) Establish and run soup kitchens especially targeting street children and the homeless.
d) Solicit and distribute Christmas hampers to the less privileged.

Youth and gender will be mainstreamed in all the projects and initiatives, which ALAD Foundation will implement. The Foundation will be financed through development partnerships.

our values






Future projects

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-03 at 12.35.38
  • To turn these mud huts into classroom blocks in Gokwe.