Impact Stories

Botlhale & Nkayezi' Story

Meet Chelesile Botlhale Josiah (14) and her little sister Nkanyezi Chelsea Sibanda (11). They go to Hugh Beadle Primary School. Chelesile is in Grade 7 and is due to write her grade 7 exams at the end of the year. Chele as she is affectionately called is a very active and talkative girl who loves helping others .

Nkanyezi (Star) is a very clever and quiet girl who loves and adores her elder sister. She loves reading and has been performing exceptionally well in her studies.

Both girls come from a very poor home their father abandoned them at a very young age and their mother has no reliable income to send them to school. They have been subjected to bullying at school because sometimes they do not have any food to take to school and cannot afford the basics that other children have access to. Even the teachers are prejudiced towards them and do not intervene when the other students bully them.

Through the ALAD foundation we were able to get a donor to sponsor both girls through their primary school education.

Thuthukani & Earnest' Story

Meet Thuthukani, Mpilo and Earnest. We helped establish and sponsored an orphanage in Nkayi, Mat North which housed 32 orphans at the time.

The children were aids orphans being looked after by an elderly lady who had no resources to take care of the children. Most of the children were severly malnourished and suffered from kwashiorkor.

Though ALAD we were able to partner with the lady and a church to feed, clothe and send the children to school. The organisation also constructed an ablution block.