BEITBRIDGE Senator Tambudzani Mohadi has challenged established and upcoming women entrepreneurs to focus on bigger business ideas that would make a huge impact in transforming the economy. As the Government rolls out its National Development Strategy (NDS 1:2021-2025), a key building block towards an upper middle-income economy by 2030, women have a critical role to play, she said. Sen Mohadi made the remarks on Monday while launching the second phase of training of trainers for Beitbridge women on business skills and value addition.
The training, which is targeting at least 500 women trainers in Beitbridge District alone, was organised by the Zimbabwe Science and Technology Association (ZSTA).Sen Mohadi reminded the participants that under the New Dispensation led by President Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe was open for business and that women and men have equal opportunity to contribute to national development. “We have many programmes that the Government is rolling out and now is the time for women to think big,” said Sen Mohadi.
“Let’s go for those big businesses that are traditionally dominated by our male counterparts. We are the backbone of society and hence we should fully participate in matters of national economic development.”
Thupeyo Muleya, Beitbridge Bureau (